Tag: podcast

  • THE LAST KNOCK presents: Franchise of Fear: Cloverfield

    Cloverfield Franchise For Cloverfield fans, the latest horror in the franchise, The Cloverfield Paradox has been a surprise. Suddenly, we’re off our little blue ball, stuck in the vacuum of space, and trying to save Earth as it peters out due to a lack of energy resources – right out of David Bowie’s “Five Years” from his The…

  • THE LAST KNOCK podcast presents: Franchise of Fear: Evil Dead

    Evil Dead: Where it Began… Long before Starz brought Ash vs Evil Dead to the small screen, horror fans from the 80s fell in love with Sam Raimi’s Evil Dead starring groovy Bruce Campbell. One may think the low budget independent feature was a piece of cinematic luck, but thanks to great acting and a strong…

  • THE LAST KNOCK presents: Five Star Horror: Female Vampires

    Female Vampires Want You! Years before Bram Stoker’s iconic Dracula, Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu brought his Gothic novella, Carmilla to horror readers in 1872. Although male vamps dominated the world until Dracula’s Daughter in 1936, that sparked a hunger for audiences that ultimately resulted in the rise of female vampires in the 1960s. With the…

  • THE LAST KNOCK presents: Macabre Milestone: Rosemary’s Baby

    Rosemary’s Baby Celebrates 50 Years! Rosemary’s Baby hit theaters in 1968 to audiences who had indulged in Ira Levin’s popular book of the same name. Produced in part by schlock horror master, William Castle, he kept out of the way when it came to production, and let Roman Polanski take the reigns in his first American…

  • THE LAST KNOCK presents: Horror Double Feature: Deadgirl and The Autopsy of Jane Doe

    Deadgirl and The Autopsy of Jane Doe Deadgirl and The Autopsy of Jane Doe are something special in the world of horror, especially when it comes to “Women in Horror Month.” For both films, we have a female central character that is either dead or undead. And who inspects their naked bodies? Teen boys and a…