Tag: Crash Analysis

  • For the Love of Veidt by Jonny Numb

    Conrad Veidt Resonates Over the course of his relatively short life, German actor Conrad Veidt appeared in over 100 films. With 2020 marking the centennial anniversary of The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, it prompted me to consider three distinctive Veidt performances, how each is uniquely different from the others, and how they all resonate to…

  • THE LAST KNOCK presents: Tales from the Crypt: Demon Knight 25th Anniversary

    A Knight to Remember  Twenty-five years ago, HBO’s successful horror series, Tales from the Crypt made it to the big screen with Demon Knight. Starring Billy Zane and William Sadler, the cast also included the renowned CCH Pounder, comedian Charles Fleischer, the always impressive Dick Miller, and up and comers Jada Pinkett Smith and Thomas…

  • Best Japanese Horror Films by Crash

    Best Japanese Horror: From 150 Features A lover of all things Japanese, I’m ashamed that I have only watched 150 films from the stellar island nation. Besides so many movies and so little time, Japanese horror films are not afraid to bring the bizarre and uncomfortable to the screen. And when considering Japanese horror, these…

  • THE LAST KNOCK presents: Meta Horror

    Meta Horror: Umm… What?  There is often of “meta” this and “meta” that, but what in Hell are people referring to? Meta means something that is either self-referential or refers to its genre or category. One can think of meta horror as a film dining off of its own tale like an audio-visual ouroboros. For…

  • THE LAST KNOCK presents: Bliss

    Bliss: Stuck in the Middle with Goo  Joe Begos’ 2019 nihilistic film Bliss has lovers and haters – just like Billy and Jonny. Crash loves it, Numb hates it. Let the battle for the hearts and minds of Bliss watchers commence…  The Bloody Heart of it All Dora Madison gave all of herself as Dezzy…