Tag: Shudder

  • THE LAST KNOCK presents: Psycho Goreman

    Psycho Goreman: Psycho or Psych-Out?  Writer-director-special FX guru Steven Kostanski made a name for himself as part of the renowned Astron-6 collective. Films like Manborg, Father’s Day, and The Editor show his multi-faceted creativity in full force. With Psycho Goreman, Kostanski and company attempt to mash-up PG-rated family values, alien creatures in latex suits, and…

  • THE LAST KNOCK presents: A Shudder Trio

    Shudder: A Feast for Horror Fans  Since its inception in 2015, Shudder has become the go-to streaming service for horror fans. Offering a wide selection of Stateside and international fare spanning many decades, to exclusive series and film premieres. What sets them apart from the lackluster selections of Prime and Netflix? Their content is curated…