Tag: Movie review

  • THE LAST KNOCK presents: Psycho Goreman

    Psycho Goreman: Psycho or Psych-Out?  Writer-director-special FX guru Steven Kostanski made a name for himself as part of the renowned Astron-6 collective. Films like Manborg, Father’s Day, and The Editor show his multi-faceted creativity in full force. With Psycho Goreman, Kostanski and company attempt to mash-up PG-rated family values, alien creatures in latex suits, and…

  • The Stylist by Jonny Numb

    The Stylist: Stitched-Together Horror True to its title, The Stylist is a gorgeous film. It contains some of the most beautiful, meticulous compositions I’ve seen within the past year. The attention to color and specific lighting schemes keeps your eyes consistently dazzled. Director and co-writer Jill Gevargizian clearly had an aesthetic plan going into this, and…

  • THE LAST KNOCK presents: Blockbuster Horror

    Blockbuster Horror: Does Hollywood Do the Genre Justice?  We take a look at blockbuster horror films. That means those high-budget horror films that come out of Hollywood. What’s high budget? Most horror films fall into the $4 million or less category, which is low-budget for Tinsel Town. And for the record, those super-independent films, like…

  • Lucky by Jonny Numb

    Lucky: Something Blurry In horror or thrillers, putting the viewer ahead of the characters never ends well. Good horror ejects the audience from the perception of the film itself as horror, and instead immerses us in character and atmosphere, to the point where twists and turns come across with genuine surprise. In other words: it’s…

  • Rent-A-Pal by Jonny Numb

    Rent-A-Pal: A Three-Dimensional Creation Rent-A-Pal could’ve gone a simple and cynical route, leaning hard on our perception of a character through well-trod cues of speech, wardrobe, and economic class rather than putting the effort into creating a fully-formed individual. David (Brian Landis Folkins) is a three-dimensional marvel. At first glance, he resembles the stereotypical notion…