Tag: Eraserhead

  • THE LAST KNOCK presents: Slow Burn Horror

    Slow Burn Horror = Atmosphere Some horror fans want gore or a fast pace, so why would anyone like slow burn horror? With a slow-paced horror, one usually comes face-to-face with a story loaded with atmosphere. Fueled by suspense, we get to know the characters on a deeper scale, which often translates to us caring…

  • THE LAST KNOCK presents: Surreal Horror

    Surreal, Weird, Abstract… Horror doesn’t have to be a straight and narrow story about monsters and suspense. Keeping things surreal can bring a new dimension to horror storytelling that expands the genre. The Last Knock takes a closer look at some of the methods behind the movie madness. We’ll look at filmmakers, such as David…

  • Inland Empire – The Murk is the Message (Part 1) by Jonny Numb

    Going Inland Empire Is there meaning to be found within Inland Empire? If so, you must allow a decade between each viewing. That is the conclusion I have come to. Along with: “Exterminate all rational thought” (thanks, Naked Lunch). It’s a film by David Lynch – a man whose ambition is matched only by his…