Tag: David Cronenberg

  • THE LAST KNOCK presents: Diminishing Returns

    Diminishing Returns: Horror that Ultimately Fails  When it comes to any film, as we age, that movie we once loved may not hold up. Diminishing returns in horror is a cruel realty that may leave us empty. How can we love something only to have it fail us?  As always, whenever we watch a horror,…

  • THE LAST KNOCK presents: Meta Horror

    Meta Horror: Umm… What?  There is often of “meta” this and “meta” that, but what in Hell are people referring to? Meta means something that is either self-referential or refers to its genre or category. One can think of meta horror as a film dining off of its own tale like an audio-visual ouroboros. For…

  • Best 9 Canadian Horror Films by Crash

    Canadian Horror: Oh, Thank You Canada To date, I’ve enjoyed 201 Canadian horror films. Here is the best of the best…   The Changeling 1980 5 stars One of the best haunted house films of all time. Thanks to a powerful performance by George C. Scott, stellar storytelling from William Gray and Diana Maddox, phenomenal…

  • THE LAST KNOCK presents: Playing God

    Playing God: The Horror Movie  Ahh, playing God in horror cinema… A good time for the audience, a bad time for the characters.  Usually some self-indulgent male scientist or doctor, better yet, a pseudo-scientist or pseudo-doctor, has some bright medical idea. And that crazy notion must be explored for it will bring glory and accolades…

  • THE LAST KNOCK presents: Surreal Horror

    Surreal, Weird, Abstract… Horror doesn’t have to be a straight and narrow story about monsters and suspense. Keeping things surreal can bring a new dimension to horror storytelling that expands the genre. The Last Knock takes a closer look at some of the methods behind the movie madness. We’ll look at filmmakers, such as David…