Tag: zombies

  • THE LAST KNOCK presents: Apocalypse Two – Electric Bugaloo

    So much Apocalypse Two – Electric Bugaloo, so little time… If horror brings fear and a lack of hope, then stories about the Apocalypse fit perfectly into the genre. Dystopian cinema has come in the form of “disaster movies,” but all of them had some grace in the end. Not every character made it, but…

  • THE LAST KNOCK presents: Apocalypse – Fan Edition

    Isn’t every Apocalypse movie a horror? We think so, and so do many who’ve responded to Jonny Numb‘s poll about those feel good end of the world films! In Apocalypse – Fan Edition, you’ll hear what horror fans have to say, what we had to add, and why laughing in the face of death may…

  • A Large Buttered Popcorn with Fiery Death, Please! by Ron Shaw

    Recently, an excellent, thought-provoking article, “A Dinner with George” by Isaac Thorne, was featured at Crash Palace. Isaac’s nostalgic, heartfelt piece on George A. Romero and his iconic masterpiece (IMO) of Night of the Living Dead captured my thoughts and memories of yesteryear, launching me mentally into the past, reflecting somewhat on how and why…

  • At Dinner with George by Isaac Thorne

    I was having dinner with a good friend the evening of July 16 when I heard the news. As most folks do these days, my dinner guest and I occasionally glanced at our phones to check notifications and create replies on social media during our meal. Don’t judge. We’ve known each other for a long…

  • THE LAST KNOCK presents: Remembering George A. Romero

    George A. Romero brought the world a new kind of ghoul in 1968 with his seminal film, Night of the Living Dead. Since then, the social conscientious independent went on to write, produce, and helm many films around his adopted city of Pittsburgh. Romero wasn’t just an indie filmmaker, but a career maker for some…