Tag: Witch

  • HALLOWEEN III: SEASON OF THE WITCH (1982) – An Appreciation by Jonny Numb

    HALLOWEEN III: SEASON OF THE WITCH (1982) [98 minutes. R. Director: Tommy Lee Wallace] In the featurette on Scream Factory’s Blu-ray of Halloween III: Season of the Witch, producer Irwin Yablans, going to bat for the late Moustapha Akkad, takes swing after swing at the creative team, insisting that the removal of burgeoning slasher icon…

  • Crash Discussion: Witches of Distinction

    The witch has been at the center of worldwide folklore for thousands of years. At times revered, and other times feared, the witch is the prime subject of many a horror, from 1922’s HAXAN to 2014’s THE WITCH. We not only look at witches throughout horror cinema, but the politics and realities of witch hunting. We’ll…

  • Randy Brzoska’s 100 Greatest Halloween Flicks

    Greatest Halloween On Screen It’s my favorite time of the year for movie viewing—when the shadows get longer, days shorter, and the horror movies come out on cable TV to play. But you know, I’m kind of picky about my Greatest Halloween movies. Don’t get me wrong; any good horror will do during the holiday. But…

  • Crash Analysis: POISON FOR THE FAIRIES (Mexico, 1984)

    Unexpected horror surprise for the humans One of Mexico’s best in the genre Oftentimes, when I put a movie into my Netflix queue, I know very little as to why it   suddenly showed up on my recommendation page at a particular moment, and never beforehand. Therefore, somehow, someway, the unanticipated treasure, POISON FOR THE…