Tag: Werewolves Within

  • THE LAST KNOCK presents: Best Horror Films 2021

    Best Horror Films 2021: Too Many to Choose From? There have been some solid films to make development of the Best Horror Films 2021 list a daunting task. Yet, after watching 100 of last year’s films, Crash and Numb have worked diligently to bring that list down to the best of the best. On the podcast,…

  • Werewolves Within by Jonny Numb

    Werewolves Within: Solution to Snow Hollow Horror-comedy is a grand balancing act: when it works, it works beautifully. When it fails, it’s like a person stepping on a banana peel and not falling ass-over-head. And then there are films that strike an imbalance between genres, becoming identity crises that have no idea what they want…