Tag: Triangle

  • Go-to Horror by Crash

    Go-to Horror: The Why Behind the Rewatch Oftentimes, I’ll sit for up to 40 minutes rummaging through a search of horror movies on Amazon Prime and Netflix. This usually leaves to utter disappointment. Granted, I may succumb and check out a newly added horror on either venue, even though I know it will fall flat.…

  • THE LAST KNOCK presents Nautical Horror

    Nautical Horror: Crests and Troughs  We’re talking about ship related horror, but you can forget about the “Ahoy, matie!” crap. With Nautical Horror, we’ll look at those films that either rise above on the high seas or sink below the waves. After all, it’s hard to get more isolated then being on a ship with…

  • Top 10 UK Horror Films by Crash

    UK Horror: The Best of 300 Features After indulging in 300 UK horror films, finding the best of the bunch was easy. Yes, there are three co-productions with other countries, but the UK spread-headed each project. Notably missing from the Top 10 Uk horror films are the oft beloved Hammer Studio features. Although my favorite…