Tag: Support Team

  • Oddities and Outliers by Jonny Numb

    Oddities and Outliers: Shifting Genre Classifications The ever-shifting genre classifications on sites like the IMDb can have a film categorized as one thing one day, and something completely different the next. For our year-end episodes of The Last Knock, these categorizations help whittle down our sometimes-extensive lists. That said, there are films I watched throughout…

  • Anna and the Apocalypse by Jonny Numb

    Anna and the Apocalypse: A Fresh Spin on the Horror Musical? When it comes to teen-angst, coming-of-age comedy-dramas, I’m always ready and willing to be manipulated into a nostalgic mindset. I’m still a sucker for The Breakfast Club. I love Scott Pilgrim vs. the World. In the horror realm, Life After Beth and Night of the…

  • Perversion of Motherhood by Kim McDonald

    The Perversion The ideal of motherhood is often posited as the pedestal upon which society is built. Mothers are supposed to be the ones who protect us, civilize us. Women are expected to flow gracefully into the role of motherhood with full acceptance and wisdom. Fear or resentment are taboos women are expected to repress…

  • Doctor Sleep by Jonny Numb

    Doctor Sleep: A Pleasing Convergence Doctor Sleep could’ve been a clusterfuck. Instead, it’s a pleasing convergence. The timeline for The Shining universe is as follows: Stephen King’s novel was published in 1977. Stanley Kubrick’s film adaptation was released in 1980. Notoriously critical of Kubrick’s take, King adapted the novel as a TV miniseries (directed by…

  • I Spit On Your Grave Deja Vu by Jonny Numb

    Déjà Vu: The Vengeance Cinematic Universe Long before I Spit on Your Grave Deja Vu, chronicling the brutal rape of Jennifer Hills (a fearless Camille Keaton) over the course of a fateful day, 1978’s I Spit on Your Grave didn’t flinch from depictions of full nudity and violent retribution. The men of the piece barreled forward…