Tag: Shin Godzilla

  • World War Z and COVID-19 by Crash

    World War Z: Max Brooks’ Prognostication In Max Brook’s celebrated horror narrative, World War Z, we see a direct connection to the COVID-19 outbreak. Like the real life events we’re enduring in 2020, Brooks’ tale begins in China. In addition, Chinese authorities work diligently to suppress the outbreak in secret. What the world will initially…

  • THE LAST KNOCK presents: Corona Coping

    Corona Coping  As the weeks and months drag on with a seemingly endless COVID-19 quarantine, coping with corona is a daily battle. The Last Knock horror podcast takes a couple of moments to share our own trials and tribulations – but that’s not all! Entertainment plays a key factor in staying sane (at least for…

  • THE LAST KNOCK presents: Island Horror

    Deserted Island Horror… Ahh… Fun in the sun, bikinis and longboards, fruity drinks with umbrellas, and nothing but relaxation on the island… But this isn’t a vacation, and the only drink you’ll have is a bucket of blood as you fight to stay alive. With island horror, cast the fun away like a castaway –…