Tag: science fiction

  • Crash Analysis: Why I Love LIFEFORCE (UK/USA, 1985)

    I hadn’t planned on writing a review (of sorts) about a thirty-year-old horror that’s been much maligned, but Lawrence Roy Aiken compelled me to do so. Like many horror fans, Lawrence thinks Lifeforce is “awful”, and I admitted that it’s a guilty pleasure of mine. Yes, that means I’m admitting that the movie isn’t necessarily…

  • Crash Analysis: A Bug Hunt: ALIENS

    *** Spoilers abound *** Aliens: A Bug Hunt In 1986 James Cameron’s Aliens was released, and I was one of many in theatres around the world engaging the action/sci-fi/horror. Though it received several Academy Award nominations, and is adored by many around our little blue ball, I always hated the damn thing – even before…

  • Crash Analysis: CRAWL OR DIE (2014)

    Panic Time A phobia-inducing nightmare I was sold on CRAWL OR DIE nine months ago when I saw the trailer – the best one I’d seen in twenty years. Granted, a trailer is a promise that you are going to see something worthwhile and entertaining. As we know, all too often, filmmakers fail to deliver…

  • Crash Analysis: DARK SKIES (2013)

    Family nightmare of interstellar proportions A solid surprise Over time, alien visitation or abduction movies see to come out of the blue, so to speak.      Sure, CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE THIRD KIND (1977) and ET – THE EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL (1982), may have collected the oohs and ahhs of audiences worldwide, but I’ll take XTRO…