Tag: Lucio Fulci

  • THE LAST KNOCK presents Nautical Horror

    Nautical Horror: Crests and Troughs  We’re talking about ship related horror, but you can forget about the “Ahoy, matie!” crap. With Nautical Horror, we’ll look at those films that either rise above on the high seas or sink below the waves. After all, it’s hard to get more isolated then being on a ship with…

  • My Journey Toward The Gates of Hell by Jonny Numb

    A Tale of Two Blockbusters I’ll admit it: I get nostalgic for my family’s Friday-night trips to our local Blockbuster Video. While people bemoan its existence as a beastly corporation that homogenized the video-rental experience, no two stores were completely alike. It was also the first place I ever saw a VHS copy of Lucio…