Tag: It Chapter One

  • THE LAST KNOCK presents: Psycho Goreman

    Psycho Goreman: Psycho or Psych-Out?  Writer-director-special FX guru Steven Kostanski made a name for himself as part of the renowned Astron-6 collective. Films like Manborg, Father’s Day, and The Editor show his multi-faceted creativity in full force. With Psycho Goreman, Kostanski and company attempt to mash-up PG-rated family values, alien creatures in latex suits, and…

  • It Chapter Two by Jonny Numb

    It Chapter Two: An Eerie Nostalgia Over Labor Day weekend, I was cleaning and packing up the very last of my personal belongings at my former apartment. I loved the building, and the tenants were a friendly, wide-ranging mix of cultures and ages. With the surfaces polished and the contents of the fridge stuffed into…