Tag: George A. Romero

  • THE LAST KNOCK presents: Those We Lost 2017

    THOSE WE LOST The saddest part about the start to a new year is during one’s head around to look back at Those We Lost. The actors, directors, writers, artists, musicians, and film crew members who brought us great horror films, books, art, and songs are to be celebrated, and THE LAST KNOCK does just…

  • Tobe Hooper and the Aesthetics of Madness (Part I) by Jonny Numb

    Madness and Cinema Tobe Hooper’s career echoed that of many a seminal genre director from a particular, boundary-busting era. His struggles, his achievements, and his character iconography contributed to the horror canon. As with other directors who have passed on, his impact on cinema as a whole will continue to be felt. George A. Romero…

  • Top Ten Horror Locations (Part I) from Billy Crash

    Any corporate person will tell you the most important thing about a business is location, location, location. But in the horror genre, location can bring stories to life in remarkable ways and resonate as a character in the film. When it comes to Horror Locations, some movies rise above in big bad ways. Top Ten…

  • A Large Buttered Popcorn with Fiery Death, Please! by Ron Shaw

    Recently, an excellent, thought-provoking article, “A Dinner with George” by Isaac Thorne, was featured at Crash Palace. Isaac’s nostalgic, heartfelt piece on George A. Romero and his iconic masterpiece (IMO) of Night of the Living Dead captured my thoughts and memories of yesteryear, launching me mentally into the past, reflecting somewhat on how and why…

  • At Dinner with George by Isaac Thorne

    I was having dinner with a good friend the evening of July 16 when I heard the news. As most folks do these days, my dinner guest and I occasionally glanced at our phones to check notifications and create replies on social media during our meal. Don’t judge. We’ve known each other for a long…