Tag: found footage

  • THE LAST KNOCK presents: Macabre Milestone: The Blair Witch Project

    Many dark moons ago, in 1999, a phenomenal word-of-mouth campaign brought moviegoers to the theatre to indulge in The Blair Witch Project. We take a look at the original film’s success, the subsequent sequel, and the latest movie many seemed to think was a remake. We’ll also see where the filmmakers and stars of the…

  • Crash Analysis: MORTAL REMAINS (2013)

    What’s in a name? Everything. I’m not talking about some idiot politician or reality TV “celebrity” whose names are actually reflective of forgettable caricatures of humanity. This is about those among us whose names make us stop in our tracks and think about the world – and our next step. In the criminal kingdom, Keyser…

  • Randy Brzoska’s 100 Greatest Halloween Flicks

    Greatest Halloween On Screen It’s my favorite time of the year for movie viewing—when the shadows get longer, days shorter, and the horror movies come out on cable TV to play. But you know, I’m kind of picky about my Greatest Halloween movies. Don’t get me wrong; any good horror will do during the holiday. But…

  • Crash Reports: The Best Found Footage Horrors

    Talk about your much maligned sub-genres. Found footage has a usually love or hate relationship with horror fans with little room in between. For many, “jerky” camera movements tick them off to no end, and for others, this sub-genre is getting really, really tired due to story redundancy. Worst still, a simple argument from many…

  • Crash Analysis Support Team: EVIDENCE (2012) Guest Post from Paul J. Williams

    A frustratingly interesting experience. (Minor spoilers ahead.) EVIDENCE is a 2012 found-footage horror film directed by Howie Askins from a screenplay written by Ryan McCoy, who also stars as our amateur camera operator. The set-up is a familiar found-footage trope: a quartet of attractive yuppies trek out to the wilds and inexplicably disappear, leaving behind…