Tag: filmmaking

  • Crash Reports: TOO MANY PREDATORS – Composer Announced

    Sunday, November 25, 2012 When it comes to shooting any short movie, many filmmakers make the mistake of going with stock music for their creative venture. Why work so hard to create something new, different and engaging only to have that originality waylaid by something we’ve heard before? What’s worse, stock music cannot capture what…

  • Horror Diary: TOO MANY PREDATORS – The Shoot

    Shoot day… I arrived at the New Jersey Film School a little after ten in the morning. This was it. All the rewrites, planning, and casting would come down to the next ten hours to create a four minute short worthy enough to submit to festivals, and to use as a calling card, and to…

  • Horror Diary: Casting Night for TOO MANY PREDATORS

    We’re all “actors”. We conjure smiles at board meetings, tell freaked out people not to worry when they should worry, and do our damnedest to prove to mothers that we’re too sick to go to school. But throw something unnatural in the mix – a camera – and people stiffen up. Hell, they can’t even…

  • Horror Diary: TOO MANY PREDATORS Script Revision

    My horror script, TOO MANY PREDATORS is undergoing its third rewrite since Chris Messineo and the New Jersey Film School (http://www.njfilmschool.com/) agreed to take on the project for the Advanced Filmmaking Workshop. The notes came from Chris this morning, after already cutting the piece from five to four minutes. From the beginning, I had envisioned my…

  • Horror Diary: TOO MANY PREDATORS in Pre-production

    At the end of the summer, my horror script, TOO MANY PREDATORS was supposed to have become a short film directed by Chris Messineo of the New Jersey Film School (http://www.njfilmschool.com/), and the man behind Off Stage Films (http://www.offstagefilms.com/) – both award winning institutions, by the way. But after finding the perfect location with screenwriter/director…