Tag: Antichrist

  • THE LAST KNOCK presents: Woman Alone

    Woman Alone: Women in Horror Month Part I  February is Women in Horror Month and we’re celebrating with films that feature a woman alone. No, this isn’t about a woman alone in a desert or a field or on an alien planet, but a woman who becomes a predominately solitary figure in the narrative. Hopefully,…

  • THE LAST KNOCK presents: Surreal Horror

    Surreal, Weird, Abstract… Horror doesn’t have to be a straight and narrow story about monsters and suspense. Keeping things surreal can bring a new dimension to horror storytelling that expands the genre. The Last Knock takes a closer look at some of the methods behind the movie madness. We’ll look at filmmakers, such as David…

  • The House that Jack Built by Jonny Numb

      The House that Jack Built for… (Author’s Note: while the following review centers more on the tactics filmmaker Lars Von Trier employs to engage and provoke the viewer, it also refers to certain plot points to elaborate on said tactics, which may constitute spoilers. I would recommend that anyone curious watch the film before…