Tag: Alfred Hitchcock

  • Ted Raimi Interview – Exclusive – How the Horror Icon’s Latest Failure! Is Poised for Success by Susan Leighton

    Ted Raimi: Starring in Failure! Ted Raimi is a bona fide horror legend. A talented character actor who is comfortable playing everything from an unsightly female demon named Henrietta (in his brother Sam Raimi’s genre classic Evil Dead 2), to Ash Williams’ goofy sidekick, Chet Kaminski (Ash vs Evil Dead) to his recent turn as…

  • Lucky by Jonny Numb

    Lucky: Something Blurry In horror or thrillers, putting the viewer ahead of the characters never ends well. Good horror ejects the audience from the perception of the film itself as horror, and instead immerses us in character and atmosphere, to the point where twists and turns come across with genuine surprise. In other words: it’s…

  • THE LAST KNOCK presents: Origin Stories

    Origin Stories: The Good, the Bad, and the Horrible  Origin stories can make or break a franchise. Granted, the horror genre is prone to introducing the back story of a character during the first film, but even that can prove fatal. Leading off with the origin stories for The Ring and Brightburn may have resonated, but did…

  • The Magic Bomb by Jonny Numb

    The Magic Bomb (While Crash Palace Productions tends to focus primarily on horror media, we occasionally look at independent productions outside the genre. With The Magic Bomb, writer-director Randy Gordon-Gatica delivers an intelligent thriller on a “zero dollar” budget. The plot hinges on a sense of paranoia, terrorist threat, and tangled human drama that should…

  • Top 10 UK Horror Films by Crash

    UK Horror: The Best of 300 Features After indulging in 300 UK horror films, finding the best of the bunch was easy. Yes, there are three co-productions with other countries, but the UK spread-headed each project. Notably missing from the Top 10 Uk horror films are the oft beloved Hammer Studio features. Although my favorite…