Tag: 1 star

  • Cocaine Bear by Jonny Numb

    Cocaine Bear: The Horror, The Horror My minimal understanding of artificial intelligence is as follows: it’s what happens when humanity gets smart enough to put menial tasks in the hands of machines, since machines can produce the same – if not better – results. This makes sense, as we lazy-ass humans have important things to…

  • Skinamarink by Jonny Numb

    Skinamarink: An Inherent Risk I like ambiguous movies, but they carry an inherent risk: the outcome winds up either being worth your time, or a grift that leaves you feeling angry and cheated. I front-load a lot of good faith toward experimental movies, but at some point, the experiment needs to deliver – at least…

  • “I am serious…and don’t call me Shirley” – SPLIT (2017) from Jonny Numb

    [118 minutes. PG-13. Director: M. Night Shyamalan] ***This review contains SPOILERS*** While obvious, it bears repeating: M. Night Shyamalan hit hard with the Oscar-nominated The Sixth Sense in 1999. With the auteur put on a high pedestal so early in his career, it’s easy to imagine his subsequent films getting tripped up in a game…

  • Crash Analysis: A Bug Hunt: ALIENS

    *** Spoilers abound *** Aliens: A Bug Hunt In 1986 James Cameron’s Aliens was released, and I was one of many in theatres around the world engaging the action/sci-fi/horror. Though it received several Academy Award nominations, and is adored by many around our little blue ball, I always hated the damn thing – even before…

  • Crash Analysis Support Team: ROOM 237 (2012) Guest Post from Jonny Numb

    [102 minutes. Unrated. Director: Rodney Ascher] Question: When is a picture of a skier not a picture of a skier? Answer: When the skier is a Minotaur (of course). Question: What hidden image can (apparently) be found in the white clouds and blue sky of one of the opening shots of THE SHINING? Answer: The…