Tag: 1.5 stars

  • Crash Analysis: Paranormal Activity 4 (2012)

    Homewreaking disappointment  Teen discovers next door neighbor kid’s messed in the head Oren Peli’s PARANORMAL ACTIVITY (2007) rocked theatres, and brought found footage to a new level. Afterward, the guy who spent $15,000 on his dream feature earned an office at Paramount, and his franchise was born. Sadly, the second installment took a disappointing dive,…

  • Crash Analysis: [REC]3: GENESIS (Spain, 2012)

    And what a wreck A lovely wedding annihilated by the new plague Paco Plaza’s [REC] from 2007 had its moments, but I wasn’t as wowed like the majority of fans. Yes, he kept it real and atmospheric, and the conflict amongst characters provided great storytelling strength, but a fullblown suspense element seemed to be lacking,…

  • Crash Analysis: TALISMAN (1998)

    Uh… Er… Uh…  A teen enters a bizarro school for mispent rich youth and all Hell breaks loose. Benjamin Carr, who has written a lot of schlocky and pathetic horror, including RETRO PUPPET MASTER (1999), THIR13EN GHOSTS (2001) and HELLRAISER: DEADER (2005), brings us another half-baked script that in the end, makes very little sense.…

  • Crash Analysis: THE THING (2011)

    Add to your list of most disappointing prequels Antarctic team finds one pissed off alien Mary Elizabeth Winstead delivered a character as vapid as Kristen Stewart in real life. And that was the most creepy part of this prequel. And yes, Matthijs van Heijningen really tried to deliver, but he came up short. Part of…

  • Crash Analysis: PSYCHOS IN LOVE (1987)

    Enough tongue-in-cheekism to make you beg to be killed  Two serial killing psychos fall in love. Surprise! This ultra-low budget horror, shot on weekends, and mostly in director Gorman Bechard’s apartment, has the feel of a mid-70’s horror. After all, Carmen Capobianco’s score is horrendously abysmal (curse of the dreaded and ultra-whiney synthesizer), there are…