THE LAST KNOCK presents: Cult Trio

The Last Knock gif from Palko Designs
The Last Knock horror podcast opens the door to a Cult Trio…

Cult Trio: Down the Rabbit Hole

The Last Knock podcast prides itself on “cult” appeal, and is no stranger to cult activity – just check out the episode in which we surveyed the appeal of Cults in Horror.

So why the revisit?

Well, after a recent marathon of three very different cult-centric horror films, Jonny Numb felt there was more to unearth on the subject…

Cult Trio of Terror

From Satan worshippers in small towns, to dramatizations of real-life tragedies, to backwoods believers, a sense of perspective lends credibility to cult cinema.

Basically, if we aren’t lulled by the philosophies of our fictional cult leaders – or the actions of the outsiders trying to get in – we won’t believe in anything else, either.

But when done well, cult films create a sense of discomfort and urgency that bring us face to face with real-world fears…or even fears beyond our mortal plane.

This week, Jonny talks turkey about The Devil’s Rain, Guyana: Cult of the Damned, and Welcome to the Circle – three horrors that take distinctly different paths in chronicling cult activity.


The plot sickens: THE LAST KNOCK brings you Hodgepodge of Horror XVI!


THE LAST KNOCK horror podcast is a Crash Palace Productions’ featured show. Besides this site, you can find The Last Knock on iTunes and Spotify and Vurbl (and more) with new shows posted every other Sunday at 9 PM ET.

Crash Palace Productions website design and creation from Brian Yount Digital Enterprises with banner, gif, and all The Last Knock art from Palko Designs.

The Last Knock always supports independent cinema!

Note: What’s up with the one-man shows as of late? Never fear, Jonny Numb and Billy Crash are still The Last Knock duo! But due to extreme work demands, COVID-19 vaccine recovery, jury duty (both at the same damn time!), Numb’s script writing, Crash’s novel and anthology writing, and film pre-production, time has been a wayward mistress. The pair will get on the same wavelength soon enough!

(The Devil’s Rain still shot from Sandy Howard Productions.)