Category: Crash Support Team

  • Into the Black Abyss: Deathstream by Jonny Numb

    Into the Black Abyss: Deathstream Timing is a weird thing. Not too long ago, I raked Rob Savage’s Dashcam over the coals, citing it as the death knell of the Found Footage subgenre. Now I’m here to explain how Daniel Mark Young’s Into the Black Abyss: Deathstream pulls it out of the dirt. Even before…

  • Pearl by Jonny Numb

    Pearl: A Return to Form “Return to form” is a slippery little phrase in the film-critic world. It accompanies rave reviews of “comebacks” from established filmmakers who’ve had some stumbles since their last “good” effort. It’s also a backhanded compliment that implies a director’s most recent work carries an air of familiarity that corresponds to…

  • Dashcam by Jonny Numb

    Dashcam: Shit, Oh Man! There are times when a movie strikes all the wrong chords and manages a bit of notoriety before fading from the fickle online discourse. The urge to hate on something can be very real indeed. But why draw attention to something you’d much rather see fade out of public consciousness altogether?…

  • X by Jonny Numb

    X: A Questionable Lark (This review contains possible SPOILERS) Ti West’s X feels like a lark, so maybe I should just lighten up and enjoy it as such. But for as much as it does right, it’s also questionable in ways that have nothing to do with its actual content. The inquiry at the core…

  • Notes-To-Self Book Review By Jonny Numb

    Notes-to-Self: A Jack of All Trades Christopher Alan Broadstone has no desire to be the next Stephen King. A writer first and foremost, he’s also a jack-of-all creative trades: DIY filmmaker (Human No More) and musician (About 9 Times; The Judas Engine). When he commits to art – regardless of medium – he commits in…