Tag: Trent Haaga

  • 68 Kill (2017) by Jonny Numb

    68 Kill  [95 minutes. R. Director: Trent Haaga] 68 Kill is the sophomore directorial effort of screenwriter Trent Haaga, who subverted the horror genre with his thought-provoking scripts for Deadgirl and Cheap Thrills. While the cast will appeal to genre fans, the film has more in common with the pitch-dark, trailer-park comedy of William Friedkin’s…

  • THE LAST KNOCK presents: Horror Double Feature: Deadgirl and The Autopsy of Jane Doe

    Deadgirl and The Autopsy of Jane Doe Deadgirl and The Autopsy of Jane Doe are something special in the world of horror, especially when it comes to “Women in Horror Month.” For both films, we have a female central character that is either dead or undead. And who inspects their naked bodies? Teen boys and a…