Tag: Kim McDonald

  • The Roots in the Blood: The Persistence of Folk Horror by Kim McDonald

    The Roots in the Blood Horror never goes away. It may lay low for a while, but as long as humans remain and are forced to confront their nature, and their precarious place in the environment, horror movies continue to be one of the most viable aspects of the business. In the same vein, despite…

  • Perversion of Motherhood by Kim McDonald

    The Perversion The ideal of motherhood is often posited as the pedestal upon which society is built. Mothers are supposed to be the ones who protect us, civilize us. Women are expected to flow gracefully into the role of motherhood with full acceptance and wisdom. Fear or resentment are taboos women are expected to repress…

  • The Walking Dead: Too Much, or Does Lucille Save the Day? by Kim McDonald

    When the season 7 premiere of The Walking Dead was over, and for most of the next day, I walked around my house in a depressed daze. I cried. I felt nauseated. I even felt a bit disoriented. What was going to happen to our group now? I also felt relieved. Not because I wanted…