Tag: Crash Preview

  • Human No More – A Crash Preview – from Jonny Numb

    Human No More: A Crash Preview One need look no further than Christopher Alan Broadstone’s Twitter bio to see the scope of his creative versatility: “Horror Film Director, Novelist, Film/Video Editor, Screen Writer, and Musician.” The jack-of-all-trades and founder of Black Cab Productions has made hard-hitting music with his band, The Judas Engine, and earned…

  • THE LAST KNOCK presents: Interview with Lawrie Brewster and Sarah Daly

    Director Lawrie Brewster and screenwriter Sarah Daly, the team behind Lord of Tears Joy, bring you their intriguing horror feature, The Black Gloves. This independent horror team discusses how the film came about from concept to post-production, why they chose to film this great looking period piece in black-and-white, and how they approach the horror genre. And you can…