Tag: Apocalypse

  • THE LAST KNOCK presents: Apocalypse – Fan Edition

    Isn’t every Apocalypse movie a horror? We think so, and so do many who’ve responded to Jonny Numb‘s poll about those feel good end of the world films! In Apocalypse – Fan Edition, you’ll hear what horror fans have to say, what we had to add, and why laughing in the face of death may…

  • Crash Analysis: PANIC IN YEAR ZERO! (1962)

    Fifty years later, I can’t foresee a different outcome How bad does a good man have to become to save his family? Okay you freaky dreamers. Forget the Zombipocalypse. That shit ain’t happenin’. Total       nuclear devastation? Not likely, but it could get ugly. Asteroid hit, or maybe the caldera in Yellowstone will…