Tag: 1/2 star

  • Crash Analysis: BLOOD FEAST (1963)

    Director must have gone to the Ed Wood School…  Psycho wants to bring Ishtar back with a special meal. Considered to be the oldest film on the BBC list of “video nasties”, BLOOD FEAST is a melodramatic and hokey gorefest for those who indulge in pathetic, dumbass comedy horrors. Hershel Gordon Lewis, of 2000 MANIACS…

  • Crash Analysis: BLACK CAT (2004)

    So bad Poe is pounding to get out of his grave Did a man kill his missing wife and son or…whatever Whenever a DVD starts in my player and has the feel of a very low budget horror, a part of me dies every time. Quality is usually sacrificed for over-reaching directors that do not…