Category: Crash Analysis

  • Buffy the Vampire Slayer by Angel Ackerman

    The Original Buffy the Vampire Slayer There is a limit to how many times a person can watch the movie version of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I now know I have surpassed mine. We undertook this dreadful precursor to the television series as the teen is a huge fan of the Buffy-verse. She has watched…

  • THE LAST KNOCK presents: Unsane

    Is Unsane Really a Trip? Unsane, the latest independent film from renowned director, Steven Soderbergh, hit theaters to explore the sanity – or insanity – of a woman trapped within the walls of an asylum. Other than the novelty that the film was shot on an iPhone (see Sean Baker’s amazing drama/comedy, Tangerine), THE LAST…

  • THE LAST KNOCK presents: Stranger Things

    Is Stranger Things Really that Strange? Overnight, Stranger Things became a binge worthy horror show of choice for millions of Netflix viewers. Word spread like mad about the town of Hawkins, a girl named Eleven, government conspiracy, and the Upside Down. But fans must wait until 2019 for season three to get underway. In the…

  • 68 Kill (2017) by Jonny Numb

    68 Kill  [95 minutes. R. Director: Trent Haaga] 68 Kill is the sophomore directorial effort of screenwriter Trent Haaga, who subverted the horror genre with his thought-provoking scripts for Deadgirl and Cheap Thrills. While the cast will appeal to genre fans, the film has more in common with the pitch-dark, trailer-park comedy of William Friedkin’s…

  • Nosferatu by Angel Ackerman

    Nosferatu Stays Silent Since the teen and I reviewed a recent ghost story for our first contribution to Crash Palace Productions, I thought it might be prudent to expose the child to some classics. But where to start? The contemporary ones like Nightmare on Elm Street and Friday the 13th as preparation for the Scream…